Athletic HOF Nominations for 2022-2023 (now through November 11th)
By Nick Purichia | Oct 24, 2022 1:48 PM

Attached is the form to nominate former Monrovia HS student-athletes that have been a graduate of 5+ years for the Monrovia Athletics HOF. The deadline to nominate someone for this year's HOF class is Friday, November 11th, 2022. List any accomplishments, awards, special recognition, post-high school participation, current contact information and current occupation. Thank you for supporting Monrovia Athletics! If the above link cannot be copied and pasted, you may submit the following information to * Your name * Nominee's Name, Graduation Year, and Phone # * Nominee's Sports Played at Monrovia HS * Nominee's Accomplishments and Records held at Monrovia HS * Nominee's College successes and/or records * Other significant contributions to Monrovia Athletics